La Quadrature just sent a letter to the Members of European Parliament, rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs on the “Telecoms Package”, who are meeting these days for preparing the second reading.
Some provisions of the text agreed by the ministers of the 27 Member States remain problematic and require their intervention:
- Some remnants of the “graduated response” are still present in the text, despite the consensus that the “Telecoms Package” must not deal about content, and that most of the references to “lawful content” were deleted1art. 33(2a) and recital 12c and 14a in the Universal Service directive.
- Amendment 138, essential safeguard for essential rights and freedoms of European citizens, though not dealing about content, deleted by the EU Council, must be reintroduced by the European Parliament.
- A disturbing decline of the protection of personal data, authorizing any corporation to store and process connection data for undetermined purpose and duration, must be corrected2art. 6.6 in the ePrivacy directive.
La Quadrature will continue to inform about those stakes along the legislative process.