On 23 May 2024, the Conseil d’État rejected a request from La Quadrature du Net for an interim ruling against the blocking of TikTok in New Caledonia. To justify this unfair decision, the court stated…

Yesterday, at the Council of the European Union, Member States adopted the AI Act to regulate Artificial Intelligence systems. This step marks the final adoption of this legislation under discussion since 2021, and initially presented…

Through an emergency proceeding (reféré-liberté) filed today, La Quadrature du Net is asking the Conseil d’État to suspend Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s decision to block the TikTok platform in New Caledonia. With this censorship order,…

The “experimentation” of Algorithmic Video-Surveillance (AVS) within the framework set by the “Olympic Games” law passed last year by the French Parliament is not an experiment at all: it is nothing more than a hypocritical…

In its 30 April 2024 ruling, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) shared its assessment of the legality of Hadopi’s massive surveillance system. The ruling is disappointing. The CJEU has considerably watered…

Press release of the Reclaim Your Face coalition.

On 8 December 2023, EU lawmakers celebrated reaching a deal on the long-awaited Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Lead Parliamentarians reassured their colleagues that they had preserved strong protections…

After several months of investigation, as part of a European initiative coordinated by British NGO Fair Trials, La Quadrature has released a report on the state of predictive policing in France. In light of the…

For four weeks last October, the Paris criminal court held hearings in the “8 December” trial. In this case, seven people are being prosecuted for “terrorist criminal association”. All of them contest the charges, and…

After more than a year of mobilization against the CAF’s – the family branch of the french welfare system – practices of scoring welfare beneficiaries alongside the Stop Contrôles and Changer de Cap collectives1You can…

For 15 years La Quadrature du Net has been defending everyone’s rights and fundamental freedoms in the digital age. These 15 years of struggle would not have been possible without you — thank you so…