Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) copied text suggested by major US-based business groups into draft provisions they would like to see incorporated into a reformed EU data protection framework, campaigners have claimed. […]
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) copied text suggested by major US-based business groups into draft provisions they would like to see incorporated into a reformed EU data protection framework, campaigners have claimed. […]
Embargoed until the delivery the State of the Union address, US President Obama signed the expected and highly anticipated cybersecurity executive order. With potentially serious implications for US and foreign citizens’ privacy, here’s what you…
A handful of MEPs have copy-pasted amendments made by giant US-based IT companies directly into the EU’s new data protection law. […]
A German Green MEP, Jan Albrecht, has also said that lobbying on EU data…
How do you highlight examples of big corporations’ lobbying proposals being copied, word-for-word, into proposed laws? For EU privacy activists, the answer lies in many eyes. […]
Le nouvel accord commercial en préparation entre l’Union européenne et les États-Unis va-t-il s’avérer être un cheval de Troie contenant des dispositions contenues dans le traité ACTA, pourtant enterré cet été par les eurodéputés ?…
Le sénateur de Moselle Jean-Louis Masson vient de questionner Fleur Pellerin, ministre déléguée à l’économie numérique. Il veut en substance savoir si l’anonymat des blogueurs ne pouvait pas être levé, avec une sanction à la…
Paris, 7 February 2013 – Commissioner De Gucht is currently in Canada, trying to conclude CETA, the Canada-EU Trade Agreement. Meanwhile, he has started negotiating with the US on TAFTA, a new US-EU “trade agreement”.…
Un « lobbying sans précédent » vise le projet européen de réforme de la protection des données personnelles. Un lobbying exercé par l’industrie, dominée par les géants américains du Web, et ce avec le concours…
Back in 2011, I noted that one of the most significant achievements of the Hargreaves report was its shockingly revolutionary suggestion that copyright policy should be based on the available evidence, not “lobbynomics”. The fact…