Op-ed by Lunar, member of La Quadrature du Net

Op-ed by Taziden, member of La Quadrature du Net

On 20 June, searches were carried outPolice searches homes of “Zwiebelfreunde“ board members as well as „OpenLab“ in Augsburg, ccc.de, 04/07/2018 ; Coordinated raids of Zwiebelfreunde at…

4 July 2018 – Tomorrow, the whole European Parliament will vote on the new Copyright Directive. Two weeks ago, Parliament’s “Legal Affairs” Committee has adopted a first text, forcing commercial platforms to actively block copyright-protected…

62 NGOs, community networks, academics and activists are sending a joint open letter to the European Commission, along with various complaints against EU Member States’ policy on blanket data retention.

12 June 2018 – On 20 June, the European Parliament will make its decision regarding the Copyright Directive, symbol of a new era of Internet regulation. La Quadrature is calling on you to call the…

This year, La Quadrature du Net celebrates its tenth year anniversary. It has been a long road since March 2008, where in the face of a disturbing wave of repressive policies, five activists –  Christophe Espern,…

27 April 2018 – La Quadrature du Net signs with other European organizations a letter to Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to ask them to stand for strong, independent regulatory authorities. During the non-transparent trilogueNegotiations…

18 April 2018 – Last Monday, we launched our class action campaign against GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft). Until May 25th (the day complaints will be brought to the CNIL – the French…

Paris, 12 march 2018 – As announced in November 2017, in the conclusions to the summary of its first ten years [FR], La Quadrature du Net has formally incorporated around thirty of its valued partners…

Paris, 2 March 2018 – The European Commission recently launched a consultation on “fake news and online disinformation” to which La Quadrature has responded. The current debate about these phenomena seems to be dominated by a prevailing…