In March, we started unveiling what is surrounding the Orwellian project “Smart City™” in Marseille. But, as it turns out, Marseille is but a tree hiding the forest, as predictive policing and police surveillance centers…

Op-ed by Lunar, member of La Quadrature du Net

Op-ed by Taziden, member of La Quadrature du Net

On 20 June, searches were carried outPolice searches homes of “Zwiebelfreunde“ board members as well as „OpenLab“ in Augsburg,, 04/07/2018 ; Coordinated raids of Zwiebelfreunde at…

12 June 2018 – On 20 June, the European Parliament will make its decision regarding the Copyright Directive, symbol of a new era of Internet regulation. La Quadrature is calling on you to call the…

18 April 2018 – Last Monday, we launched our class action campaign against GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft). Until May 25th (the day complaints will be brought to the CNIL – the French…

Brussels, 19 October 2017 — The European Parliament has just adopted its position on ePrivacy. It is bad. Major threats pushed by Internet giants were rejected, but the so-called “pro-privacy” groups failed to reject them…

Paris, 11 October 2017 – European Parliament’s right-wing has put Michal Boni in charge of defending big companies’ interests on the ePrivacy Regulation. His fight against our fundamental freedoms have met weak opposition. Unable to…

LQDN is publishing here an op-ed by Okhin.

Paris, 10 April 2017 — Online video platforms (most notably YouTube and Facebook) have surpassed television in audience count, making these media extremely important in terms of…

Paris, 12 January 2017 —  A group of MEPs of all political orientations, including Julia Reda, representative of the Pirate Party, calls on citizens to mobilize to prevent the introduction of dangerous measures in European copyright…

Paris, 30 September 2016 — Net Neutrality is one of central challenge in the application of fundamental rights in the digital space. Too often it has been only considered as a technical or commercial issue,…