Tomorrow, the 17th April, the whole European Parliament will vote on the Anti-terrorism Regulation. This Regulation would enable mass, unchecked and political censorship as well as destroying the free and open Web (read our complete…

Yesterday, La Quadrature du Net sent the following letter to the 751 members of the European Parliament (also in PDF).
We urge them to reject the Anti-terrorism Regulation, which is useless and will only open the…

The LIBE (“civil liberties”) Committee has just adopted its report on the Anti-terrorist Censorship Regulation. This report will be the text discussed in a few days by the whole European Parliament.
The text, as it was…

On Monday 8 April, the draft regulation on anti-terrorist censorship will be voted in the LIBE Committee in the European Parliament. While the vote has already been postponed several times, MEPs, still under pressure from…

Next week, the European Parliament will have to take a stance with a last vote on the fate of the Copyright Directive, which has been discussed for several years. La Quadrature du Net calls for…

In the European Parliament, the two committees that were asked for an opinion on the terrorist content Regulation have now both published their proposition of amendments. Sadly, just like the opinion of the IMCO Committee…

Yesterday, Members of the European Parliament published a first of two opinions on the “anti-terrorism” censorship Regulation. It is bad. Despite the best intentions of rapporteur Julia Reda, the IMCO Committee (“Internal Market and Consumers…

Daniel Dalton, British Rapporteur on the EU Anti-Terrorism Regulation, is about to enable Mass Censorship

On May 28 2018, La Quadrature du Net, on behalf of 12 000 people, filed five complaints before the CNIL (the French Data Protection Authority) against Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft. In the meantime,…

As we feared last Monday, European Parliament has just adopted a Report pushing for the outsourcing of Web censorship to Facebook and Google, using the pretext of the fight against terrorism.