Angela Merkel’s proposal to create a pan-European communications network is really a political stance and not something that will protect European citizens’ communications, Benjamin Sonntag, co-founder of La Quadrature du Net, told RT.

City workers in Paris have been instructed to remove political messages from street art this week, including several paintings protesting against local anti-piracy law ‘Hadopi’. The irony of the situation is that an artist’s…

Paris, 14 February 2014 — The European Commission’s public consultation on copyright reform is open until 5 March [The European Commission extended the deadline by a month]. This consultation represents an important opportunity for European citizens…

Cette semaine, la Parisienne Libérée met en musique la visite américaine de François Hollande. Ou comment la France signa le traité transatlantique… sans même s’en apercevoir !

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Interview d’Eric Filiol et Jérémie Zimmermann, cofondateur de La Quadrature du Net, réalisée en janvier 2014 par Thinker View.

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[…] Suite aux révélations d’Edward Snowden, la surveillance de masse est devenue un sujet dépassant le cadre des initiés. Afin de marquer le coup, des dizaines d’associations en ligne ont donc choisi ce mardi 11 février…

Brussels, 12 February 2014 — Today, the “Civil Liberties” (LIBE) committee of the European Parliament adopted its opinion report on the European single market for electronic communications. Key amendments were adopted which, if included in…

L’opérateur mobile est prêt à fournir à ses abonnés un accès gratuit ou à tarif réduit au contenu du réseau social, à condition que ce dernier finance l’opération. Mauvaise nouvelle pour les défenseurs de la…

(CNN) — Hundreds of websites posted messages opposing online government surveillance on Tuesday, as activists planned live protests and other gatherings in cities all over the world. […]

Other events Tuesday include a “street theater and…

Thanks to the generosity of supporters who helped crowd-fund it, and of Benoît Musereau who volunteered to direct it, La Quadrature du Net publishes ”Reclaim Our Privacy”, a three-minute movie that explains the threat to,…