In a time where the police institution is being called into question, the multinational security companies are trying to redeem there image through publicity stunts: they would be stoping the usage of facial recognition because…

The European Commission is about to start a new legislative debate regarding Internet hosting providers – services that are hosting and make information available online. These providers have been protected since 2000 by the E-Commerce…

It’s an interesting twist of fate that the European governments whose job it is to enforce sweeping new data-protection laws, rolled out to curb intrusive tech firms like Facebook Inc. and Google Inc., are increasingly…

On Wednesday, April 17th, the European Parliament adopted on first reading the Regulation on online “terrorist content” censorship. By a very small majority, it refused to defend us against political censorship or to protect the…

The copyright directive and the recent debates on “fake news” have served as an introduction to the general debate on Web regulation that will be happening next year. Today, La Quadrature du Net presents its…

2010, WikiLeaks publishes the logs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the Collateral Murder video, and, to top it off, 300,000 US diplomatic cables exposing, among others things, war crimes in a world of global…

Tomorrow, the 17th April, the whole European Parliament will vote on the Anti-terrorism Regulation. This Regulation would enable mass, unchecked and political censorship as well as destroying the free and open Web (read our complete…

Yesterday, La Quadrature du Net sent the following letter to the 751 members of the European Parliament (also in PDF).
We urge them to reject the Anti-terrorism Regulation, which is useless and will only open the…

The LIBE (“civil liberties”) Committee has just adopted its report on the Anti-terrorist Censorship Regulation. This report will be the text discussed in a few days by the whole European Parliament.
The text, as it was…

On Monday 8 April, the draft regulation on anti-terrorist censorship will be voted in the LIBE Committee in the European Parliament. While the vote has already been postponed several times, MEPs, still under pressure from…