La neutralidad de la red es un principio hasta el momento respetado en Internet por el que los proveedores de acceso reparten los paquetes de datos -es decir, los contenidos- sin privilegiar a ninguno de…

Un article du New York Times expliquait hier que différentes sources proches des négociations entre Google et Verizon, mais non autorisées à parler publiquement, avaient indiqué au journal que les deux entreprises pourraient révéler…

Taxes et subventions. Chargée par le ministre de la Culture Frédéric Mitterrand de réfléchir à l’aspect incitatif de la législation Création & Internet (la carotte, après le bâton brandi avec la loi Hadopi), la mission…

L’Hadopi aura-t-elle le pouvoir de contraindre Google à modifier son algorithme pour favoriser les offres légales auxquelles elle aura décerner un label de confiance ?

The fediverse (a blend made from “federation” and “universe”) is a group of social media consisting of a multitude of platforms and software, each of them communicating with the others using a common protocol. Mastodon…

This article was written on the basis of information related to the so-called “8 December” case (see the footnotes for a global overview of the case, we focus on the “numerical part” of it in…

On July 16 2021, the Luxembourg Data Protection Agency finally rendered its opinion on the collective legal action we and 10 000 more people took in May 2018 against Amazon. This decision breaks a three-year…

This Monday, the LIBE Committee voted for the anti-terrorist Regulation. This new regulation will force every actor of the Web’s ecosystem to block in under an hour any content reported as “terrorist” by the police,…

On Monday 11 January, the LIBE Committee (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) from the European Parliament will vote on the “anti-terrorism” Regulation.
This text (available here – stil not consolidated) aims at submitting…