The Rapporteur of a European Parliament directive plays a crucial role at the second reading: he must forge a compromise with the Council of Ministers between the opinion expressed by the Parliament at the first…

The controversial HADOPI bill against filesharing was rejected by the French National Assembly in a very surprising move last week, at the final vote of the emergency procedure in which it was considered, with only…

The French certainly have a flair for the dramatic, what with the recent kidnapping of bosses and the near-constant succession of transport and farmers’ strikes. Even last night’s “graduated response” vote featured its share of…

Paris, April 2nd 2009 – The Council of EU is trying to reintroduce a distorted version of amendment 138 to “Telecoms Package” It could be interpreted by the archaic industries promoting “graduated response” as authorizing…

Paris, 26 March 2009 – The European Parliament, endorsing the Lambrinidis report and turning its back on all the amendments supported by the French government and defended by Jacques Toubon and Jean-Marie Cavada, has just…

En examen dès aujourd’hui, une loi prévoit de sanctionner les internautes «pirates» en… les privant de connexion!

– La loi de Sarko. Le principe de la «riposte graduée», pour lequel Nicolas Sarkozy et sa ministre de…

La grande majorité des internautes jugent le texte injuste et dangereux.

Dans un colloque organisé par l’UMP, des députés demandaient une véritable guerre de communication contre les opposants au texte, mais aussi une réaction énergique au mitraillage d’emails anti-hadopi que reçoivent les parlementaires et enfin,…

La Quadrature reprend donc le principe lancé en Nouvelle-Zélande, qui devait aussi adopter le principe de la riposte graduée. Mais face à la mobilisation des internautes, le projet a été suspendu. Ce jeudi, de nombreux…

Paris, March 5th − La Quadrature du Net thanks the tens of thousands of citizens in France who are relaying the “black-out” and are being engaged in a huge information campaign on the issues of HADOPI/”Olivennes”…