As we feared last Monday, European Parliament has just adopted a Report pushing for the outsourcing of Web censorship to Facebook and Google, using the pretext of the fight against terrorism.

On the 12 December, the European Parliament will vote on the “Report on findings and recommendations of the Special Committee on Terrorism”. If adopted, this text would not be legally binding but would recommend the…

We have never seen an European Regulation adopted this quickly by European governments. As European elections are getting closer, Macron has convinced them to use the everlasting terrorism pretext. Censorship and mass surveillance of the…

The analysis of the future Regulation makes us fear that it will impose mass surveillance and automated censorship to messaging services. Those offering end-to-end encryption would be forced to renounce or to close down.

In March, we started unveiling what is surrounding the Orwellian project “Smart City™” in Marseille. But, as it turns out, Marseille is but a tree hiding the forest, as predictive policing and police surveillance centers…

Paris, 2 March 2018 – The European Commission recently launched a consultation on “fake news and online disinformation” to which La Quadrature has responded. The current debate about these phenomena seems to be dominated by a prevailing…

Paris, 3 March 2015 — In late April 2015, the “trade secrets” directive will be discussed in the European Parliament. Having already given in to the pressure of journalists to remove the article on trade secrets in…

La mobilisation des journalistes en France a fait capoter l’introduction d’une clause de la loi Macron sur le « secret des affaires ». À Bruxelles, un projet similaire soulève les mêmes inquiétudes. […]

Si l’encadrement du droit des…

Paris, 3 December, 2014 – Seven months after the historic vote in the European Parliament on Net neutrality, the Council of the European Union could soon bury this fundamental principle. While its inclusion in French…