Paris, Apr. 13th 2010 – The Gallo report on “IPR enforcement”An initiative report of the JURI committee of the European Parliament: is currently under heavy political pressure in the European Parliament. Some constructive amendments…

Brussels, March 22nd, 2010 – With the current debates surrounding the Gallo Report on “Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) enforcementThe Gallo report will be debated on Tuesday, March 23rd in the JURI committee. and rumours about…

Paris, February 15th, 2009 – Tomorrow, a parliamentarian resolution will be submitted in Iceland in order to turn the country into a model for freedom of expression on the Internet. Far away from the conservative…

Paris, February 11th, 2010 – During the debate over the French security bill (LOPPSI), the government opposed all the amendments seeking to minimize the risks attached to filtering Internet sites. The refusal to make this…

Yesterday, following the hearings of the Commissioners last month, the European Parliament approved the full college of the new Commission.

Doté d’un volet consacré à la cybercriminalité, le projet de loi Loppsi 2 vise à imposer un filtrage des contenus pour lutter contre les sites pédopornographiques. Mais il suscite la polémique face aux dérives possibles,…

Paris, January 7th, 2010 – Today, the Zelnik report has been presented to the public by the French president. The publication of this report was postponed many times because the trio composing the mission had…

Remise du rapport Zelnik mercredi, voeux à la culture de Nicolas Sarkozy axés sur la révolution numérique jeudi, installation de la Hadopi vendredi : l’exécutif est passé à l’offensive cette semaine pour améliorer la vente…

Paris, January 8th, 2010 – Nicolas Sarkozy just announced that his government will seek to implement some of the recommandations of the Zelnik report. The report’s main author is Patrick Zelnik, a producer and lobbyist…