The European Commission will not introduce a new law requiring telecom companies to store the communications data of European Union citizens for security purposes, the EU home affairs commissioner said on Thursday. […]

European regulators have dropped plans to ban roaming charges and have proposed net neutrality rules allowing privileged access in some cases. […]

According to documents seen by the BBC, far from ending data roaming charges as…

Paris, 12 March 2015 — On 8 April 2014, the European Union Court of Justice invalidated the 2006 Directive on Data Retention. Through this decision, all the European legislations on data retention were seriously undermined, as the…

French police can order Internet service providers to take down websites without a court order on child pornography or terrorism accusations as of Tuesday. The legal changes follow a statement late last week by President…

Certains ordinateurs du constructeur contiennent un publiciel par défaut. Non seulement il insère de la publicité lors de vos navigations Internet, mais en plus il crée ses propres certificats de sécurité, ce qui met votre…

Paris, 3 March 2015 — In late April 2015, the “trade secrets” directive will be discussed in the European Parliament. Having already given in to the pressure of journalists to remove the article on trade secrets in…

Paris, 26 February 2015 — Just as the Julia Reda report (GREEN/EFA – DE MEP) on copyright reform was being discussed this week in the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), another report was…

US regulators are voting on whether to enshrine the openness of the internet, and the outcome is likely to influence policy worldwide.

Net neutrality is the principle of making sure that your internet service provider doesn’t…

In the wake of Russia’s announcement that it intends to ban Tor, VPNs and all other technologies that permit users to hide their identities on the internet, the neighbouring Republic of Belarus has announced [Russian…

Au Parlement européen, en commission des affaires juridiques (« JURI », dans le jargon), Julia Reda a présenté lundi son projet de rapport sur la réforme du droit d’auteur. Au terme des discussions, Jean-Marie Cavada, qui présidait…