Paris, 14 April 2015 — On 3 April, the European Parliamant voted a text in favour of Net Neutrality, protecting a free and open Internet, but Member States gathered at the Council of Ministers have…

Paris, 2 April 2015 — After the challenge introduced against surveillance and massive data retention in February, FFDN (a federation of community-driven non-profit ISPs) and La Quadrature du Net go back to court against the…

Paris, 1 April 2015 – As the French Intelligence Bill (which should be more aptly called the French Mass Surveillance Bill) is being examined from 1 April by the French Parliament’s Law Commission, La Quadrature…

Paris, 26 March 2015 — The Minister of Culture announced yesterday a plan of action for the fight against piracy and an agreement (fr) on online advertising negotiated between advertisers, advertising agencies and rightsholders under the supervision…

Paris, 26 March 2015 — While presenting the Intelligence bill adopted during the 19 March 2015 Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister proudly asserted that it contained “legal means of action but neither exceptional means nor…

Volée de bois vert pour le projet de loi sur le renseignement. Les associations représentant l’industrie et les défenseurs des libertés numériques pointent notamment deux mesures : l’installation de boîtes noires d’analyse des comportements sur…

Paris, 17 March 2015 — The information shared today by Le Figaro regarding the upcoming French Bill on Intelligence, ahead of its presentation before the Council of ministers on Thursday 19 March, only confirms earlier concerns. While…

Open-letter of La Quadrature du Net to the members of the JURI committee of the European Parliament in support of the Reda Report on copyright reform.

Paris, 16 March 2015 — On 23 and 24 March 2015, you…

Julia Reda, German Pirate Party MEP, has presented a report promoting a series of measures to harmonise some aspects of copyright.

La Quadrature du Net supports this report and calls on citizens to get involved…