Trade chief acknowledges more controversial TTIP will not happen this year. […]

Malmström said the legal experts from Brussels and Ottawa are “basically done” with the so-called “legal scrubbing,” the final stage for the Comprehensive Economic…

Initial interceptions lawful but retention and examination of communications illegal, rules IPT in case brought following Edward Snowden revelations

PARIS — On Wednesday, France woke up to find that the National Security Agency had been snooping on the phones of its last three presidents. […]

UPDATE 20 JULY 2015 : Final version of the regulation (including recitals)

Paris, 30 June 2015 – After months of negotiations behind closed doors between the Council of the European Union, the European Commission and the…

Paris, 29 June 2015 — The Council of the European Union is looking to remove all reference to Net Neutrality in the regulation of telecommunications. While the Council has always refused to take a step…

Paris, 25 June, 2015 — This morning, La Quadrature du Net, French Data Network and the FDN Federation filed an amicus brief to the French Constitutional Court against the Surveillance Act that was just adopted…

Paris, 24 June 2015 — Ongoing for many months, a new stage of trialogue negotiationsNegotiations behind closed doors carried on by delegates of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European…

Paris, 24 June 2015 — It’s a sad day for freedom! French representatives just adopted the French Surveillance Law. As an ironic echo to the recent WikiLeaks revelations about NSA spying on French political authorities,…

Paris, 24 June 2015 — Negotiations on Net Neutrality between the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union (trialogue) started on 11 March in order to settle an agreement on…

Paris, 19 June 2015 — The Commission Mixte Paritaire — a joint parliamentary committee responsible for reaching a compromise between the lower and upper house — met on 16th June to reach an…