Une réalité « pire que celle du roman 1984 » de George Orwell. Joseph Cannataci, le rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur la vie privée, récemment nommé, a très fortement critiqué les systèmes de surveillance…

Le service fédéral Roskomnadzor, qui est responsable des télécommunications en Russie, annonce l’exclusion de Wikipédia de sa liste noire des sites illégaux. L’encyclopédie avait été placée dans cet Index à cause d’un article sur une…

Dans une tribune publiée mardi 11 août dans le New York Times, plusieurs responsables européens et américains de la lutte contre la criminalité et le terrorisme accusent directement Apple et Google de mettre des bâtons…

Paris, 30 July 2015 – On 23th July, the French Constitutional Council adopted a historical decision, standing out by its disregard for individual freedoms, right to privacy and freedom of speech. The “elders” have…

Update (24 July 2015): The French Constitutional Council shows again its disregard for fundamental rights. This morning, after approving almost all dispositions in the Surveillance law, the Constitutional Council builds momentum by rejecting the Question…

Netzpolitik.org is arguably the most influential German blog in the realm of digital rights. It played a key role in marshalling protests against ACTA three years ago. You’d think the German government would be proud…

Paris, 16 July 2015 — European Parliament’s ITRE commission endorses the compromise adopted during the trialogue on 30 June regarding the regulation on telecommunications. Despite the improvements brought to the text compared to the…

Paris, 15 July 2015 — La Quadrature du Net strongly condemns the attempts to intimidate the German website Netzpolitik, accused of treason by the German court for publishing documents revealing the extension of Internet surveillance by…

Paris, 8 July 2015 — On Thursday 9 July, the European Parliament will vote on its own-initiative report on copyright reform, proposed by MEP Julia Reda. The report has been widely picked apart due to…

EU lawmakers sat down for their first meeting yesterday (24 June) to work out details on the EU’s data protection reform. Facing bumps ahead, negotiators said they were still committed to wrapping up the legislation…