Translation from a paper originally published in French in October 19th, 2022 

For the past year or so, we have been fighting the effects of the digitialization of French public administrations and the use of scoring…

The article 7 of the Law on Olympic Games’ organization has been adopted by the national parliament, “Assemblée Nationale”, formalizing the introduction of Algorithmic Video-Surveillance in French Law, until December 2024. Due to the fuss…

A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about the legal case brought by students against the use by the Institute of Distant Study of the University of Paris 8 of the algorithmic exam e-proctoring platform…

Automated Video Surveillance (AVS) has dug its roots and wired its plugs in France, with support from the central government, other local authorities and the French data protection authority, the CNIL (refer to our article…

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Surveillance has invaded all the spaces in our lifes.
Our connected computers are rife with advertising trackers, our phones are pocket spying devices, street cameras are starting…

Although it claims to protect our liberties, the EU’s draft text on artificial intelligence (AI), presented by Margrethe Vestager, actually promotes the accelerated development of all aspects of AI, in particular for security purposes. Loaded…

Following the global security law and the separatism law, the government continues its generalized offensive aiming at silencing all political opposition. Last Wednesday, the three “public security” files (PASP, GIPASP and EASP) were largely extended…

Future and security.

Our rulers and their army of industrialists have been fixated on theses words. They claim to guide us, like prophets, towards this future that seems impossible to escape from. It’s for our common…

In a time where the police institution is being called into question, the multinational security companies are trying to redeem there image through publicity stunts: they would be stoping the usage of facial recognition because…

In August, we filed a complaint before the Conseil d’État (France’s highest administrative court) against provisions of the French code of criminal procedure which authorize the use of facial recognition to identify people registered in…