On October 3, the trial of the so-called “December 8” case will begin. Seven people are prosecuted for “association of terrorist criminals” (“association de malfaiteurs terroristes”). In this case, the intelligence services in charge of…

On 20 July 2021, the government proposed a new security bill which will, among other things, authorize police drones, the same drones that our collective efforts managed to reject four times last year. The government…

This artice was originally published by Félix Tréguer on about:intel
The French government seems not to be interested in tackling systemic police violence. Instead, one of the most defining features of Macron’s first term as France’s…

On October 10, the deputies of the majority LREM submitted a draft law for “global security”. The National Assembly will debate it on November 4, with unheard-of, unjustified urgency. Its article 21 seeks to deregulate…

On the 25th of June, one week after the Hate-Speech Law had been stricken down by the French Constitutionnal Court, our government asked the European Commission to get this defunct project adopted at the EU…

Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron invited the French Parliament to discuss the potential use of StopCovid, the contact-tracing application that his government is developing. We just sent out to the Members of the Parliament…

The proposed bill from Laetitia Avia claims its ambition to make the “Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel” (CSA, French Superior Council of the Audiovisual) platforms’ supervisor in the fight against online hate speech. Actually, the law…

On Wednesday, April 17th, the European Parliament adopted on first reading the Regulation on online “terrorist content” censorship. By a very small majority, it refused to defend us against political censorship or to protect the…

In the European Parliament, the two committees that were asked for an opinion on the terrorist content Regulation have now both published their proposition of amendments. Sadly, just like the opinion of the IMCO Committee…

Daniel Dalton, British Rapporteur on the EU Anti-Terrorism Regulation, is about to enable Mass Censorship