BERLIN — The governing party of President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, scrambling to save a national law that would cut off Internet service to those who make repeated illegal downloads, is threatening to block a…
BERLIN — The governing party of President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, scrambling to save a national law that would cut off Internet service to those who make repeated illegal downloads, is threatening to block a…
Paris, April 20th 2009 − The Council of the EU is strongly pushing Catherine Trautmann – rapporteur of the main directives of the “Telecoms Package” – to accept a useless, neutralized versionThe Council wants to make…
The Rapporteur of a European Parliament directive plays a crucial role at the second reading: he must forge a compromise with the Council of Ministers between the opinion expressed by the Parliament at the first…
[…] Curieusement – ou intentionnellement ? – les médias se sont répandus à l’envi sur le caractère moralisateur de la loi : le vilain internaute pirate sera sanctionné : avertissement puis coupure de sa connexion…
The controversial HADOPI bill against filesharing was rejected by the French National Assembly in a very surprising move last week, at the final vote of the emergency procedure in which it was considered, with only…
Paris, April 9, 2009 – In a surprising turn of events, the national assembly has rejected the HADOPI bill creating the “three strikes” scheme in France, in the final discussion, by a vote of 15…
Surprise à l’Assemblée! Les députés ont rejeté le projet de loi Création et Internet qui prévoit de sanctionner le téléchargement illégal. Réaction du député UMP Lionel Tardy, opposant au texte.
“J’ai boycotté la séance car on…
The French certainly have a flair for the dramatic, what with the recent kidnapping of bosses and the near-constant succession of transport and farmers’ strikes. Even last night’s “graduated response” vote featured its share of…
L’amendement 138/46 est l’objet de discussions pour être supprimé ou totalement remanié. Aucun compromis n’a pour le moment été trouvé.