Paris, April 9, 2009 – In a surprising turn of events, the national assembly has rejected the HADOPI bill creating the “three strikes” scheme in France, in the final discussion, by a vote of 15…

Surprise à l’Assemblée! Les députés ont rejeté le projet de loi Création et Internet qui prévoit de sanctionner le téléchargement illégal. Réaction du député UMP Lionel Tardy, opposant au texte.

“J’ai boycotté la séance car on…

The French certainly have a flair for the dramatic, what with the recent kidnapping of bosses and the near-constant succession of transport and farmers’ strikes. Even last night’s “graduated response” vote featured its share of…

L’amendement 138/46 est l’objet de discussions pour être supprimé ou totalement remanié. Aucun compromis n’a pour le moment été trouvé.

Paris, April 2nd 2009 – The Council of EU is trying to reintroduce a distorted version of amendment 138 to “Telecoms Package” It could be interpreted by the archaic industries promoting “graduated response” as authorizing…

Behind closed doors, positions are being negotiated on the Telecoms Package among the rapporteur, the European Commission, and the Council of the EU. If those “trialogues” get to a compromise, it will simply be put…

Paris, 26 March 2009 – The European Parliament, endorsing the Lambrinidis report and turning its back on all the amendments supported by the French government and defended by Jacques Toubon and Jean-Marie Cavada, has just…

Paris, March 26th – The European Parliament may be about to surrender absolute power over the Internet to the telecom operators. Under the false pretext that the existing rules governing market and competition would solve…

Here are the letters (PDF attached below) La Quadrature du Net sent to members of IMCO and ITRE committees about the crucial votes on Telecoms Package second reading, on March 31st.

Letter to IMCO members

Protect EU…