A l’instar d’un mauvais film que nous ne voudrions pas même pirater, Hadopi 2 vient à peine d’être mise bas par les deux assemblées que nous déjà avons le plaisir de vous confirmer la naissance…

On Monday, September 28th, the Conciliation committee on the Telecoms Package – a major reform of the Telecommunications sector in the European Union (EU) – started discussing contentious provisions that remain in the text. Early May, Rapporteurs…

Summary: Amendments to the Universal Service directive pushed by American Telco AT&T currently allow operators to implement anti-Net neutrality measures. These provisions:

are mainly targeted to allow a Net discrimination
are harmful for the growth…

Brussels, September 28th – The first conciliation meeting on the Telecoms Package will take place tonight at 7:30PM. In this meeting, 27 Members of the European Parliament will decide on the future of Internet in…

Without Amendment 138, the Telecoms Package permits restrictions on Internet access and it allows graduated response/3-strikes measures. How should the European Parliament handle its negotiations with the Council?

The European Parliament meets tomorrow to vote for…

La Quadrature du Net sent a letter to the French ministers in charge of the Telecoms Package to ask them to protect Net neutrality in the European Union, as they enter into final negotiations regarding…

La Quadrature du Net sent a letter to the French ministers in charge of the Telecoms Package to ask them to protect Net neutrality in the European Union, as they enter into final negotiations regarding…

Paris, September 24th – La Quadrature du Net sent a letter to the French ministers in charge of the Telecoms PackageTranslation of the letter is available at: http://www.laquadrature.net/en/net-neutrality-letter-to-the-ministers-in-charge to ask them to protect Net neutrality…

La FCC, le gendarme des télécoms, vient de proposer des règles pour empêcher les fournisseurs d’accès de réserver un accès rapide à certains contenus. Cette “neutralité des réseaux” est un enjeu majeur pour le secteur.
