Le Paquet Télécom est un ensemble de directives européennes concernant le marché des télécommunications (ligne fixe, téléphonie mobile et accès Internet). Ce paquet aurait pu être adopté rapidement si les députés européens et les représentants…
Le Paquet Télécom est un ensemble de directives européennes concernant le marché des télécommunications (ligne fixe, téléphonie mobile et accès Internet). Ce paquet aurait pu être adopté rapidement si les députés européens et les représentants…
Vertreter des EU-Rates und des EU-Parlaments haben sich in ihrem mehrmonatigen Streit über eine Regelung zur “abgestuften Erwiderung” auf Copyright-Verletzungen im Internet beim ersten offiziellen Treffen des gemeinsamen Vermittlungsausschusses am gestrigen Mittwochabend in Brüssel auf…
Brussels, November 5th, 2009 – An agreement has been reached on the Telecoms Package. The new texthttp://www.laquadrature.net/wiki/Telecoms_Package_Amendment138_compromise_20091105 aimed at protecting Internet access includes positive elements such as a reference to the right to a “prior…
Brussels, November 4th 2009 – On the eve of a crucial conciliation meeting that will decide on the fate of the “Telecoms Package”, the European Parliament must decide whether it will keep its promise to…
Tonight, a conciliation committee meeting will take place between the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. Both institutions will try to resolve their year-long dispute over amendment 138 by considering a worthless…
Paris, November 2nd, 2009 – The negotiations on the Telecoms Package might come to a close on Wednesday. The Council of the European Union is still pushing for “three strikes” policies in Europe but is…
The European Parliament delegation led by Catherine Trautmann recently gave up on protecting EU citizens against arbitrary restrictions of their Internet access. In order to reach an agreement and avoid a clash with Member States,…
Here is a comparison chart of the different versions of “amendment 138” along the whole co-decision procedure.
Wording of the text
Quick analysis and references
Original amendment 138 voted on Sept 24th 2008, 8.4.g of the Framework directive,…
La Quadrature du Net sent this proposal to the Parliament last week.
It takes into account the good-faith concerns expressed against the original version of amendement 138 (see our memo), which was voted twice by 88%…
La Commission européenne va établir des systèmes d’autorisation de droits multimédias simples et efficaces en termes de coûts concernant la numérisation d’œuvres publiées et leur disponibilité sur Internet, a-t-elle annoncé cette semaine (19 octobre). […]