Infrastrukturminister Åsa Torstensson besöker Washington D.C. och har idag diskuterat det nya globala handelsavtalet Acta med president Barack Obamas handelsrådgivare. Sverige kritiserar hemlighetsmakeriet i processen och är motståndare till att fildelare ska kunna stängas av…

Se filtra un documento de la CE donde EEUU propone que los proveedores de conexión a Internet amenacen a los usuraios con desconexiones como castigo […]

Los ISP europeos se muestran en contra de asumir la…

Yesterday, the Commission’s analysis of the US proposal regarding the draft Internet chapter of the ACTA leaked. The document confirmed what was previously reported, namely that the US proposal would extend an extremist regulation of…

Dear ACTA Secret Committee

Your actions regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) have garnered the attention of us, the internauts.

Interview Son président Bernard Miyet entend compenser la baisse des recettes subie par l’industrie du disque à cause du téléchargement illégal de musique sur internet.

[…] Pour justifier l’instauration d’une taxe en plus des sanctions…

Yet again, despite all the secrecy and bogus claims of “national security,” the details behind what’s being proposed in ACTA have leaked, and they don’t look good at all. It’s basically an attempt to…

Yet again, despite all the secrecy and bogus claims of “national security,” the details behind what’s being proposed in ACTA have leaked, and they don’t look good at all. It’s basically an attempt to force…