Paris, December 16th, 2009 – 2 weeks after launching a consultation, la Quadrature du Net is submitting to the European Parliament a set of questions to be asked to the Commissioners designate.

The Obama administration announced Tuesday it supports loosening international copyright protections to enable cross-border distribution of special-format reading materials for the blind, a move that puts it at odds with nearly all of U.S. industry.…

Une dizaine d’organisations dans le monde parmi lesquelles les puissantes Consumers International, Electronic Frountier Foundation (EFF) et Free Software Foundation (FSF) ont signé une lettre ouverte commune pour demander la transparence dans la négociation du…

Updated on December 24th, 2009
Paris, December 10th 2009 – A worldwide coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations, consumers unions and online service providers associations publish an open letter to the European institutions regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement…

The European Parliament is in the process of writing an own-initiative report in response to the Commission’s communication on “enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights”.

Yesterday, La Quadrature du Net was invited by the French Telecoms Regulator for an informal meeting by the working group in charge of Net neutrality.

(In French)

Avis d’expert – Pour la société de redistribution des droits d’auteur, cette contribution est indispensable pour compenser la chute des revenus de la filière malgré l’instauration d’Hadopi. Les Majors sont contre. […]

The Spanish government just announced a new bill that would grant an administrative body –the Commission for Intellectual Property– the power to order the take down or blocking of websites that “allow or facilitate”…

On la croyait enfouie dans les oubliettes de la politique […] Le Premier ministre lui a confié une étude sur le livre numérique. […] “Le gouvernement ne peut accepter de voir une nouvelle industrie culturelle…

EUOBSERVER / CONFERENCE REPORT – The war against online piracy has been a ferocious but as yet almost entirely unsuccessful struggle. It has left both the entertainment industry and the governments that have tried to…