INTERNET – Mouchard, filtrage, écoutes téléphoniques… La loi débattue mardi à l’Assemblée promet de traquer le Net…

L’ordinateur dans le collimateur du gouvernement. Le projet de loi «Loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la performance de…

Doté d’un volet consacré à la cybercriminalité, le projet de loi Loppsi 2 vise à imposer un filtrage des contenus pour lutter contre les sites pédopornographiques. Mais il suscite la polémique face aux dérives possibles,…

Brussels, January 29th, 2010 – The draft of the GalloMarielle Gallo, rapporteur of this “IPR enforcement” report, is a French EPP Member of the European Parliament. report on strengthening the enforcement of “intellectual property rights”…

Le sixième round de négociation du traité ACTA sur la propriété intellectuelle doit débuter demain au Mexique. Ce texte, dont le contenu exact est maintenu secret, doit fixer les orientations politiques en matière de droit…

Paris, Jan 25th 2009 – Negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)See our web-dossier about ACTA: will take place from January 26th to January 29th in Mexico. ACTA aims at controlling the Internet, while…

La Quadrature du Net is among the signatories of the Public domain Manifesto. This text was drafted within the COMMUNIA European Network for the public domain funded by the European Commission.

Une rumeur gronde sur le Web, de plus en plus forte : un traité visant à renforcer la protection des copyrights, négocié dans le plus grand secret par les grandes puissances, menacerait Internet et sa…

Next week, negotiating countries will meet for another round of talks on the infamous ACTA, which among other things aims at tackling the unauthorized sharing of cultural works over the Internet. In the past days,…

Paris, January 7th, 2010 – Today, the Zelnik report has been presented to the public by the French president. The publication of this report was postponed many times because the trio composing the mission had…

Last week, Commissioners-designate Viviane Reding, Michel Barnier and Neelie Kroes confronted the European Parliament for their confirmation hearings. Issues relating to freedom in the networked society have been raised by several Members of the European…