Another leak of ACTA, the multilateral agreement aimed at imposing the most stringent anti-counterfeiting measures at the global level! This new document originating from the European Commission outlines the positions of negotiating countries on the…

Paris, February 25th 2010 – A disturbing document on Internet policy written by the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council has been published. While asking Member States to detail their guidelines for the repression of…

URGENT! Help sign the Written Declaration 12/2010 on ACTA.
Dedicated campaign page.

Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has issued an opinion critical of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement currently under negotiations. This document is a blow for the negotiators of ACTA, who should now publicly oppose…

Paris, Feb. 22nd – 2010 – A document that could be the ACTA Internet chapter proposal from the US has leakedThe document “ACTA digital chapter”:

Paris, February 15th, 2009 – Tomorrow, a parliamentarian resolution will be submitted in Iceland in order to turn the country into a model for freedom of expression on the Internet. Far away from the conservative…

Last week, the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council came up with a new draft resolution in response to the Commission’s communication on enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in the internal market.


Paris, February 11th, 2010 – During the debate over the French security bill (LOPPSI), the government opposed all the amendments seeking to minimize the risks attached to filtering Internet sites. The refusal to make this…

Les débats à l’Assemblée nationale ont débuté ce mardi dans une ambiance survoltée. Malgré quelques retouches, le filtrage du Web semble acquis. Opposition et associations montent au front. […]

Surveillance des réseaux […]

“La mise en place…

Yesterday, following the hearings of the Commissioners last month, the European Parliament approved the full college of the new Commission.