Strasbourg, March 10th, 2010 – The European Parliament massively approved a common resolutionresolution RC-B7-0154/2010: opposing the current negotiation process regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). This resolutionCheck the European Parliament rules of procedure…

Strasbourg, March 8th, 2010 – Tonight, the JURI committee of the European Parliament will discuss the amendments tabled on the Gallo reportUpdate, March 10th: At the last minute, the meeting was postponed to a future…

Strasbourg, March 8th 2010 – The written declaration 12/2010 regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is now open for signatures. It has to be signed within three months by more than half of the Members…

As Spain holds the rotating Presidency of the EU Council, it is currently defining a European strategy for the “Digital Agenda”. A draft document regarding what Spain calls the “Granada Strategy” reveals unacceptable orientations toward…

Avec Europe 2020, la Commission européenne se dote d’une nouvelle stratégie de croissance économique pour les dix ans à venir. Si les TIC occupent une place de choix, le document présenté ne séduit pas.

Another leak of ACTA, the multilateral agreement aimed at imposing the most stringent anti-counterfeiting measures at the global level! This new document originating from the European Commission outlines the positions of negotiating countries on the…

Paris, February 25th 2010 – A disturbing document on Internet policy written by the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council has been published. While asking Member States to detail their guidelines for the repression of…

URGENT! Help sign the Written Declaration 12/2010 on ACTA.
Dedicated campaign page.

Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has issued an opinion critical of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement currently under negotiations. This document is a blow for the negotiators of ACTA, who should now publicly oppose…

Paris, Feb. 22nd – 2010 – A document that could be the ACTA Internet chapter proposal from the US has leakedThe document “ACTA digital chapter”: