11 July 2016 update: On Friday 8 July, Member States have taken an “adequacy decision” that authorises the European Commission to adopt Privacy Shield on 12 July. La Quadrature du Net deeply deplores the rush…

Paris, 5 July 2016 — Yesterday evening, the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) adopted the draft Directive on Combating Terrorism proposed by the European Commission by 41 votes…

Paris, 4 July 2016 — This evening the committee of the European Parliament on Civil Liberties (LIBE) will vote on the draft directive on combating terrorism. La Quadrature du Net already warned about the dangerous…

UPDATE 30 JUNE 2016: The vote of the draft in LIBE committee is postponed to the 4 July 2016.
UPDATE 21 JUNE 2016: The vote of the draft in LIBE committee is postponed to the 27…

Paris, 20 June 2016 — The undersigned civil society organisations are deeply concerned about the Directive on combating terrorism and the European Commission’s initiatives that could enable and encourage needless or even counter-productive censorship, both…

Paris, 14 June 2016 — La Quadrature du Net is participating at the panel “Encryption and Human Rights” organised at the United Nations by the Committee Justice and Peace of the Dominican Order. This conference…

Paris, 7 June 2016 — BERECEuropean Regulators for Electronic Communications just published its draft guidelines that aims at clarifying the telecoms regulationThe regulation was adopted on 25 November 2015 and entered into force in April…

Personal Data

Download LQDN’s proposal in English (PDF)

Currently, the Data Protection Directive (EU) from 1995 regulates the protection of personal data on the Internet. It regulates the processing of personal data, which covers data collection, processing…

Lanceurs d’alerte et protection des sources

(télécharger les propositions en pdf)


(download our position in pdf)