Après de multiples reports, la Hadopi doit annoncer aujourd’hui l’envoi (en septembre), des premiers mails d’avertissement aux internautes ayant téléchargé illégalement. La «riposte graduée» ne pourra pourtant guère aller plus loin. La loi est inapplicable!


Joint press release of Act Up-Paris & La Quadrature du Net

Luzern, 28th june, 2010 – A new round of negotiations of the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement (ACTA) is beginning today between 11 negotiating parties -including the…

Aujourd’hui, les présidents et vice-présidents des partis pirates et un groupe constitué de douze ONG vont rencontrer brièvement certains des négociateurs […]. Les médias ne sont pas autorisés à suivre ces rencontres.

Médecins Sans Frontières, Act…

Joint press release of April and La Quadrature du Net

Paris, June 26th 2010 – Spokespersons for La Quadrature du Net and April met the French negotiators of ACTA a few days ahead of the next…

NET NEUTRALITY is the focus of a UK government consultation taking place in the next few months involving roundtables with industry, citizen and consumer groups.

Ofcom has powers and duties in this area and these will…

Paris, June 23rd 2010 – A document leaked from the Presidency of the EU reveals that Member States are pushing for new criminal sanctions into the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), a few days ahead of…

Mike Rugnetta just received a note from the collecting society ASCAP soliciting funds to fight Creative Commons, Public Knowledge, and the EFF. According to ASCAP, these organizations are mobilizing to undermine ASCAP members’ copyrights because…

Face à l’explosion du trafic data, les opérateurs veulent restreindre l’accès aux sites les plus gourmands, comme ceux de partage vidéo. Et ainsi remettre en cause la neutralité du Net.

“On va aller vers une balkanisation…

Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) have issued a call to arms for the free software movement to mobilise against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) currently being hammered out by politicians and industry.
