Strasbourg, Sept. 20th 2010 – A resolution of the European Parliament calling for more repression of file sharing will be voted upon on Wednesday. European conservatives, led by a pro-sarkozy rapporteur and helped by a…

Le site de l’Assemblée nationale a publié l’audition d’Alex Türk, président de la Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL) devant la Commission des affaires économiques de l’Assemblée nationale mardi dernier. Le député Dionis…

The Minister of CultureDuring Council of Ministers of July 28th 2010, the minister of Culture and Communication has claimed that: “The Hadopi is now ready to start its action. As an independent public authority, it…

Paris, September 16th 2010 – The Gallo report on copyright enforcement -from the pro-Sarkozy MEP, Marielle Gallo- will be voted on Wednesday, September 22nd in the European Parliament. Surprisingly, the Liberal ALDE group has tabled…

The inventor of the Web has called for everyone to have access to his creation for free.

Currently, he said, just one-fifth of the world’s population has access to the web.

“What about the other 80%?” he…

Paris, September 15th 2010 – The Gallo reportinitiative report (non-legislative text) initiated by the French EPP -Member of Nicolas Sarkozy’s party- Member of the European Parliament Marielle Gallo, “on enforcement of intellectual property rights in…

Make your voice heard by responding to the European Commission’s public consultation on Net neutrality! The more citizens and NGOs submit their own responses to the questionnaire, the more chance we have to collectively weigh…

Common Press Release Act Up-Paris, April and La Quadrature du Net

Paris, September 13th, 2010 – The representatives of Act Up-Paris, April and La Quadrature du Net met on September 10th with one of the French officials in…

[…] En quoi le blocage est-il, selon vous, inefficace et dangereux ?

Une étude publiée par Berkeley et cau­tion­née par la National Science Foundation passe en revue pour la pre­mière fois les spé­ci­fi­ci­tés tech­niques de l’internet sans fil afin de déter­mi­ner s’il existe une contrainte tech­no­lo­gique…