RoboCopyright ACTA !

Big up to Mag & Soso (kouz krew!)

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La Quadrature du Net answered the consultation of the Reflection Group set up by the European Commission to make proposals on “how best to foster the online presence of our cultural heritage”.

By Philippe Aigrain.

Paris, September 24th 2010 – The Tokyo round of negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement has just begun. It could be the last one before the signature of the final agreement. The text, which is…

The Federal Communications Commission unanimously approved new rules for the unlicensed use white spaces, the empty or under-utilized TV spectrum that many are hoping could lead to a new form of super Wi-Fi.

EU policymaking history is repeating itself as another row erupted in the European Parliament yesterday (22 September) over how to tackle Internet piracy and whether users can be cut off from the Internet for…

[…] Members of the European Parliament have recommend the removal of barriers to a single digital market by granting European Union-wide copyright licences for products such as music, books and films.

“[T]he phenomenon of on-line piracy…

Pressions des ayants-droit sur les FAI sans intervention du juge, amalgame entre partage de fichiers et vol, lien contestable établi entre le crime organisé et les infractions à la propriété intellectuelle… Le parlement européen dit…

Strasbourg, Sept. 22nd 2010 – The European Parliament has just adopted the Gallo report on copyright enforcement by 328 to 245 votes. This very repressive text is one more step in the entertainment industries’ crusade…