A l’issue du onzième cycle de négociations, qui avait lieu à Tokyo à la fin du mois de septembre, les pays […] ont livré une version consolidée (pdf) de l’accord, qui pourrait être la dernière…

Alors que les premiers mails d’avertissements de l’Hadopi sont partis le 1er octobre, les internautes rivalisent d’ingéniosité pour contourner la loi

Cédric est fier « d’avoir trouvé un moyen légal de télécharger illégalement. C’est la preuve…

For three years, technology and telecommunications companies have watched nervously from the sidelines as the United States and nearly a dozen trading partners have negotiated a trade agreement that critics feared could undermine all sorts…

Alors que les premiers courriels d’avertissement aux pirates commencent à être envoyés, la critique de la Haute autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (Hadopi) ne semble pas faiblir.…

Paris, October 6th, 2010 – The ACTA negotiators have just released a near-final version of this anti-counterfeiting agreement. It is still very dangerous. The release of this text should not give the illusion of transparency…

[…] The resolution points out that access to information is a key point in helping to build a modern, information-based nation, and ACTA is about removing access to information and knowledge. They’re not against ACTA…

Paris, October 4th 2010 – The spokesperson for the Trade European Commissioner has announced Saturday October 2nd, that all parties have reached an agreement on ACTA. This is one more example of how the…

Yesterday, La Quadrature du Net sent its submission to the European Commission’s questionnaire on Net neutrality.

As the 11th round of negotiations […] Reporters Without Borders reiterates its opposition to the way these talks are being held behind closed doors without democratic consultation and to the potentially repressive positions being taken…

As you know, the European Commission has launched a public consultation on Net Neutrality.

Deadline for answering is tomorrow: Thursday, September 30th, 2010