[…] le gouvernement rechigne à rembourser les frais Hadopi supportés par les FAI […] l’une des principales excuses tient au fait que les FAI feraient de sérieuses économies de bande passante grâce à la chute…

UPDATE (October 30th): Following the announcement by the Dutch Minister of Culture that he would not attend the conference, and would instead send an Ambassador to voice the opposition of the Dutch government to three-strikes…

As promised in our case study on Dan Bull, he’s now released his latest song, entitled Death of ACTA. Better yet, the video was filmed on an actual pirate ship

Oh and by the way the…

Protecting the Internet against content discrimination by broadband carriers is crucial to protecting First Amendment rights in the age of modern technology, the American Civil Liberties Union said today in a new report on network…

There are only a few days left to answer the consultation. If you don’t have enough time to answer the whole document, please consider responding at least to questions 56, 59, 60, 67, 69.
You can…

[…] d’accord, monsieur Walter, revoyons nos informations. Et interrogeons quelqu’un qui ne nous méprise pas, et qui fait preuve, lui, d’un minimum de pédagogie, pour lui expliquer les rouages d’Hadopi.

Entretien avec Jéremie Zimermann, de La…

[…] Il énonce que « les opérateurs sont tenus d’adresser par voie électronique à l’abonné chacune des recommandations dans un délai de vingt-quatre heures suivant sa transmission par la commission de protection des droits »,…

On September 29th, 2010, the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe (CoE) adopted a declaration on network neutralityFull text of the declaration: https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=1678287. The declaration is overall a very good news for the…


By putting legal and monetary pressure on Internet service providers (in a most subtler way than in previous versions of the text), ACTA will give the music…

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Final negotiations for a controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta) have been completed in Tokyo, with EU sources insisting that the draft accord will not restrict the freedoms of EU citizens or…