Paris, November 23rd, 2010 — After last week’s release of the final version of the ACTA text, the European Parliament is about to adopt a resolution preparing the upcoming ratification process, during a plenary session…

Paris, November 19th, 2010 – In a letter sent today to Commissioner Neelie Kroes, in charge of the Digital Agenda, La Quadrature du Net calls on the European Commission to take concrete steps to protect…

The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending

The Web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because it was built…

La commissaire européenne chargée des nouvelles technologies, Neelie Kroes, est favorable à un Internet neutre, où chacun peut accéder à tous les services et contenus, et s’est dite prête à agir si nécessaire pour l’assurer,…

Today, Jérémie Zimmermann, spokesperson of La Quadrature du Net, participates in the Net neutrality summit co-organized by the European Commission and the European Parliament in Brussels.

As the negotiations on ACTA come to a close, it is important to stress one more time the basic flaws of this dangerous anti-counterfeiting agreement, which compiles outdated and very controversial provisions from the United…

La Quadrature du Net just sent its response to the EU Commission’s consultation on the online services directive, also called the e-Commerce directive.

Download the document in PDF.

Just one day before the final deadline of the e-Commerce (or Internet directive) consultation, La Quadrature du Net publishes the draft of its response.

[…] la question porte sur l’article 1.2 du projet. Selon cette disposition, « chaque partie est libre de déterminer la méthode appropriée pour l’application des dispositions de cet accord avec son propre système juridique et…

Nicolas Sarkozy a décidé de mettre son grain de sel dans la conférence internationale consacrée à la liberté d’expression sur Internet qu’est sur le point de convoquer son ministre des Affaires étrangères, Bernard Kouchner, selon…