Following the release of the final, legally-verified version of ACTA (dated December 3rd), we have updated our analysis of the most worrying provisions of this dangerous anti-counterfeiting agreement.


Op’Ed by Jérémie Zimmermann initially published in French in Mediapart

WikiLeaks has become the symbol of disturbing information that can’t be stopped. Recent declarations and actions against the organization clearly expose the will of governments to…

Le président de la Commission fédérale des communications (FCC) […] a annoncé dans un discours à Washington ses propositions pour instaurer la neutralité du Net aux Etats-Unis […] il pourrait s’agir de la fin des…

After last week’s rejection of the joint resolution on the anti-Counterfeiting Tade Agreement (ACTA) by the European Parliament, and the adoption of a bad, pro-ACTA resolution tabled by the conservative EPP group, La Quadrature has…

Sensible à l’affaire Houellebecq-Wikipedia, la Quadrature du Net[…] vient de nous donner sa position, sur un sujet particulièrement délicat.

Jérémie Zimmermann […] cofondateur de la Quadrature, qui avait particulièrement fait parler d’elle dès les premières…

The Internet, November 27th 2010 – The decision to sentence the co-founders of The Pirate Bay to jail is both absurd and unfair. It illustrates how an obsolete copyright law and its indiscrimate application are…

Si les petites associations militantes (notamment dans le logiciel libre) se sont largement élevées contre ce projet, c’est désormais aussi le cas du Cigref, le Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises.

Le plus souvent, le Cigref…

Paris, November 24th 2010 – The European Parliament has just adopted a resolution approving the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The adopted text fails to criticize the elaboration process of ACTA and its potential impact on…

The European Parliament approved a resolution Wednesday signaling its willingness to support a controversial trade agreement aimed at boosting international cooperation in combating counterfeiting and piracy.

The parliament called on the commission “to confirm that ACTA’s…