by Jérémie Zimmermann

Snowden revelations shed light on facts that force us to ask ourselves important questions and to take action that might be essential for the future of our online societies and for the very…

“As concerns over the Internet security are at their highest, in an interview to Voice of Russia, Jeremie Zimmermann, founder and spokesperson for La Quadrature du Net, a citizen advocacy group defending fundamental freedoms online,…

Google, Facebook and other US tech giants have won an important victory against EU efforts to restrict the sharing of customer data after UK Prime Minister David Cameron persuaded the bloc to postpone the introduction…

One of the most important pieces of legislation wending its way through the European Parliament concerns data protection. Because of its potential impact on major US companies like Google and Facebook, this has become one…

Paris, 30 August 2013 — For the past 3 years, a consortium led by Alcatel-Lucent has been working on technical, business and legal aspects of a plan that would effectively put an end to the…

Paris, 19 July 2013 — Since last week, after citizen groups started criticizing the EU Commission over its leaked draft regulation threatening to kill Net neutrality, Commissioner Neelie Kroes and her staff have tried to…

[…] Alors que les révélations sur le programme de surveillance Prism ont éclaté il y a plus d’un mois, la FIDH et la LDH ont déposé ce matin une plainte contre X devant le tribunal…

De nouvelles révélations du Guardian et du Washington Post sur le programme Upstream mettent en doute toute la communication des géants américains du Web, dont Microsoft, Yahoo, Google et Apple, qui se défendaient d’aider activement…

Paris, 12 July 2013 — A leaked draft legislative text shows that the European Commission might be about to kill the open and free Internet. Under the guise of protecting Net neutrality, the Commission wants…

While Europe was in an uproar Sunday over a magazine’s charge that Washington bugged European Union offices in the United States, the backlash on another type of intrusion has been surprisingly muted, namely the disclosure…