With the upcoming revision of the 2004 “Intellectual Property Rights” Enforcement Directive (IPRED), the European Union is getting ready to toughen up the war on sharing of culture in the digital environment. The Member States,…

“Le gouvernement vient de piétiner le Parlement”, réagit le député socialiste Christian Paul, rapporteur de la proposition de loi.

Christian Paul poursuit : “le gouvernement ne veut pas légiférer, il préfère le laisser-faire. La majorité fait…

Update (March 1st) : The bill on Net Neutrality was rejected by 311 vs. 218. Nevertheless, all the French Members of Parliament who spoke ahead of the vote agreed on the necessity to keep on…

The list begins with “cheap, small, low-power plug servers,” Mr. Moglen said. “A small device the size of a cellphone charger, running on a low-power chip. You plug it into the wall and forget about…

Comme attendu, des sénateurs et des députés de l’opposition (socialistes, communistes, Verts…) ont déposé un recours auprès du Conseil constitutionnel contre le projet de loi Loppsi 2, voté le 8 février dernier.

Paris, 8 February 2011 – French Minister for Digital Economy, Éric Besson, has called for an end to Net Neutrality, a principle on which there seemed to be consensus among French and European decision-makershttp://www.lemonde.fr/technologies/article/2011/02/08/eric-besson-la-neutralite-du-net-et-les-autoroutes-de-l-information_1476719_651865.html. By…

Paris, February 8th 2011 – Yesterday afternoon, the French Parliament voted the LOPPSI bill whose 4th article“When the necessities of the fight against the distribution of images or representations of minors relative to the dispositions…

A controversial law firm that sent letters to alleged illegal file sharers has been told it cannot drop its cases to “avoid public scrutiny”.

ACS:Law contacted thousands of people accusing them of illegally downloading movies and…

[…] les industries du divertissement ont poussé de nombreux internautes lambdas à s’armer pour continuer à télécharger en toute sécurité. Or, ces armes – composées d’outils de chiffrement pour sécuriser leurs communications – sont les…

La Quadrature du Net obtained exclusive access to the WikiLeaks US diplomatic cables regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Although they only give a partial account of the history of this secretly-negotiated agreement, these cables…