Next Tuesday, April 12th, the EU Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) will hold a major vote for the future of wireless communications in the European Union. By amending the radio spectrum policy…

In the coming days, a college meeting of the European Commissioners will take place to decide the future of European copyright policy. This revision takes place in conditions that raise severe concerns from a democratic…

La Quadrature du Net has sent its submission to the European consultation on the “Intellectual Property Rights” Directive (IPRED). The citizen organization asks the EU Commission to renounce to increasing repression against the sharing of…

As the European Commission’s consultation on the revision of the anti-sharing directive (IPRED) is coming to an end, let’s look at a hearing that took place in January at the European Court of Justice. At…

Le Pr Michel RIguidel, l’expert Hadopi en matière de filtrage et logiciel de sécurisation, a publié en fin de semaine dernière une tribune dans le Monde (notre analyse). Nous avons questionné Jérémie Zimmermann pour recueillir…

The European Commission has begun a process to modify its copyright, patent and trademark enforcement laws with the revision of the IPRED “anti-sharing” directive. By stepping up enforcement in the spirit of the ACTA agreement,…

A une époque où la vie privée est mise à l’épreuve des nouvelles technologies, les Etats exercent un contrôle de plus en plus étroit sur le corps social. Les interceptions légales de télécommunication, tant judiciaires…

Paris, March 10th, 2011 — The French Constitutional Council has released its decision regarding the LOPPSI bill. Judges held that article 4 of the bill, which allows the executive branch to censor the Net under…

La Quadrature du Net sent its response (in French) to the pre-report prepared by the French Parliament’s working group on Net neutrality.

[…] un nerd imposant à la chevelure bouclée et au rire sonore m’entretient au rythme de sa bière qui diminue du #hackathon, une performance organisée à l’initiative de la Quadrature du net – ces hérauts…