L’Europe a-t-elle raté une occasion de fixer une bonne fois pour toutes les bonnes pratiques en matière de neutralité du Net ? C’est ce que pensent les députés socialistes français au Parlement européen et l’association…

The European Union said Tuesday it has asked the bloc’s 27 member countries to probe whether Internet providers block or slow down services in a way that harms consumers.

The investigation targets both fixed and mobile…

Paris, April 19th, 2011 – The European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, has submitted her long-due report on Net neutrality to the EU Parliament. This extremely disappointing document rules out any immediate measures…

Un rapport parlementaire rendu la semaine dernière va servir de base à l’échelon européen, et pourrait court-circuiter le gouvernement français réticent.

Paris, April 14th, 2011 – Today, the advocate general of the European Court of Justice rendered his conclusions

Un tribunal national ne peut pas obliger un fournisseur d’accès à Internet à filtrer toutes les communications pour bloquer celles violant les droits d’auteurs, estime un avocat général de la Cour européenne de justice de…

Paris, April 12th, 2011 – The trans-partisan parliamentary mission led by Laure de la Raudière and Corinne Erhel just released its report on Net neutralityTranslation in English: http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/english/dossiers/net_and_network_neutrality.pdf. This encouraging report calls for preserving the…

Paris, April 12th, 2011 – The Industry Committee of the European Parliament has adopted amendments to the EU Spectrum Policy Programme allowing for a free use of airwaves for citizens, which will lead to the…

The legal challenge has been brought by The French Association of Internet Community Services (ASIC) and relates to government plans to keep web users’ personal data for a year.

The law obliges a range of e-commerce…