Paris, 16 March 2017 — Today, more than 25 European Community Networks, joined by over 35 supporting organizations from around the world, are sending an open letter to EU policy-makers. At a time when the European Union…

Paris, 7th march 2017 —  The draft of the new European copyright directive has been presented in september 2016. For now, the work in progress in the european Parliament and mobilisations by concerned people and organisations…

Paris, 6 March 2017 — The nomination of Marju Lauristin last Tuesday, MEP of the “Socialists&Democrats” group, as a rapporteur of the ePrivacy regulation on “the respect of privacy and personal data protection in electronic…

Paris, 3 March 2017 — La Quadrature du Net joins a coalition of European and global civil society organisations and signs a letter asking to suspend the Privacy Shield, the arrangement enabling the transfer of…

Paris, 28 February 2017 — In the context of the revision of the European Telecom Package, La Quadrature du Net relays the open letter drafted by the research project netCommons on the importance of community…

Paris 13 February 2017 — Tonight the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) will have to decide which political group will be in charge…

Update, 15 February 2017 — The European Parliament adopted CETA by 408 votes against 254 (and 33 abstentions). The “not mixed” parts of the text could thus enter into provisional application in April, until consultations…

Paris, 16 January 2017 — 2017 starts well: the yearly annual campaign of La Quadrature du Net gathered 244 191€ of donations on the closing day. We deeply thank all the person that contributed to…

Paris, 12 January 2017 —  A group of MEPs of all political orientations, including Julia Reda, representative of the Pirate Party, calls on citizens to mobilize to prevent the introduction of dangerous measures in European copyright…

Paris, 11 January 2017 — On Tuesday 10 January, the European Commission put forward a series of new texts on personal data protection in the EU. It includes the upcoming ePrivacy Regulation which will frame…