Paris, 24 September 2015 — The Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) published on 23rd September his conclusions in the case “Maximilian Schrems against Data Protection Commissioner”. The Advocate…

Paris, 18 May 2015 — The European Commission published on 6 May its strategy for 2020 and the setting up of the Digital Single Market. Several important digital issues are concerned by this agenda: from copyright to…

Paris, 20th April — On 3rd March 2015, the Council of the European Union voted a text endangering Net Neutrality in Europe, despite European Parliment’s position adopted a year ago. Negotiations between the European Parliament, the European…

Certains ordinateurs du constructeur contiennent un publiciel par défaut. Non seulement il insère de la publicité lors de vos navigations Internet, mais en plus il crée ses propres certificats de sécurité, ce qui met votre…

Le récent projet de rapport de Julia Reda, eurodéputée du Parti Pirate, n’a pas reçu qu’une pluie d’orties des ayants droit et du ministère de la Culture. Il a été aussi très favorablement accueilli par…

Op-Ed by Jérémie Zimmermann, co-founder of La Quadrature du Net, initially published, edited, by Taz in German on February 12, 2015

Recent Paris attacks have triggered a wave of securitarian discourse and dangerous upcoming legislative measures…

Europe is pressing for its ‘‘right to be forgotten’’ ruling to go global.

The privacy decision, which allows individuals to ask that links leading to information about themselves be removed from search engine results, has been…

Les zéyandroa font des gorges chaudes sur le fait qu’ils ont obtenu une victoire magnifique, en la forme d’une décision de justice qui impose aux opérateurs de filtrer le site de The Pirate Bay en…

Paris, 3 December, 2014 – Seven months after the historic vote in the European Parliament on Net neutrality, the Council of the European Union could soon bury this fundamental principle. While its inclusion in French…