Paris, 25 September 2017 — A decisive vote for our online privacy will take place in the European Parliament in two weeks. If we do not act now, companies will be allowed to monitor us for business purposes and without our consent (through the analysis of our emails, calls and Internet usage, online tracking and geolocation). La Quadrature du Net starts today an awareness campaign, so that anyone can contribute to this fight for our rights:
There are two weeks left to convince the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs’) in the ‘Civil Liberties’ Committee (LIBE) to protect our privacy. On 11 October, they will vote their draft report on the ePrivacy Regulation. This report will be the basis on which the Parliament will approach this key Regulation before negotiating it with the Council of the EU (made of the government of each Member State).
La Quadrature du Net has activated its PiPhone: anyone may use it to call LIBE MEPs free of charge, to give support to those that want to fight for our right to a private life and letting the others know that we scrutinize them and that they should be fully aware of the political consequences of their decision. At the same time, La Quadrature intends to provide all necessary information so that everyone can fully engage with this debate.
Learn more, spread the message and act now on:
For a more in-depth view of the debate, you may also read on our wiki, the amendments tabled in LIBE Committee and our analysis. Among other things, these amendments reveal who are the most active MEPs in favor of corporate surveillance and against our fundamental right to privacy:
- Daniel Dalton (ECR1European Conservatives and Reformists Group, gathering some of the extreme right wing MEPs)
- John Procter (ECR)
- Helga Stevens (ECR)
- Axel Voss (EPP2European People’s Party, this group gather the MEPs from right wing)
- Heinz K. Becker (EPP)
- Rachida Dati (EPP)
- Brice Hortefeux (EPP)
- Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (EPP)
- Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi (EPP)
- Michał Boni (EPP)
- Frank Engel (EPP)
- Carlos Coelho (EPP)
- Pál Csáky (EPP)
- Roberta Metsola (EPP)
What’s more, many amendments are clearly positive and would allow us to fight back against these MEPs. The battle is far from over, and we cannot let such an opportunity slip between our hands. Call your representatives before the 11th of October.