[IPTegrity] Net Neutrality gets final scrutiny in EU Parliament – should we be alarmed?

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When even the experts are struggling, it should set off alarm bells. The net neutrality issue is hotting up in the European Parliament, but who really understands what is happening? It has been under scrutiny from the various committees and is now with the Industry committee for a vote in a couple of weeks time. The signs are that the rapporteur, Pilar Del Castillo, is being challenged, but there are concerning indications that MEPs will give in to amendments that put at risk not only the structure of the Internet, but of the whole telecoms market. […]

The French citizens advocacy group, La Quadrature du Net says that ‘by refusing to ban specialised services’ the Connected Continent regulation would ‘bypass the net neutrality principle and undermine fair competition in the digital economy’. […]

La Quadrature du Net has more information on the secret ‘compromise’ negotiations in the ITRE committee. Its campaign site is savetheinternet.eu […]
