European Parliament: Who is For and Who is Against ACTA?

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After last week’s rejection of the joint resolution on the anti-Counterfeiting Tade Agreement (ACTA) by the European Parliament, and the adoption of a bad, pro-ACTA resolution tabled by the conservative EPP group, La Quadrature has analyzed the results of the vote. The final result of the vote was 306 for, and 322 against (with 26 abstentions). The results show an overall polarized poll, with the bulk of the political groups who tabled the resolution voting in favor (S&D, ALDE, Greens/EFA, EUL/NGL), while the Conservatives rejected it (EPP and ECR). But details show that some MEPs did not follow their group’s position. The overall picture gives a clear view of who to convince in order to obtain a full rejection of ACTA during the upcoming consent vote.

After the rejection of the joint resolution and the adoption of the very unfortunate text tabled by the Conservatives, we have integrated the results in Political Memory, our wiki-based tool which allows us to track and rank the voting records of the Members of the European Parliament on the issues we work on.

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