[Telecomix] Knock knock ACTA, it’s the Internet

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Dear ACTA Secret Committee

Your actions regarding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) have garnered the attention of us, the internauts.

Since your seventh meeting is set to take place in Mexico, January 2010, the general Mexican media and news agencies have come under our scrutiny. During our observations we have come across tendentious headlines alleging that there is a correlation between file-sharing, the traffic of narcotics and counterfeit goods. The fatal losses generated by organized crime at the detriment of Mexican society, are presented as an allegory for the hypothetically devastating effects of file-sharing on the impalpable copyright industry.

It has come to our understanding that the Fifth Global Congress on Combating Counterfeiting and Piracy, focusing on the impact of the illegal trade of tangible goods, will be held in the sunny beaches of Cancun, Mexico on 1-3 December; an issue which is within the collimate of ACTA. We have fair reason to believe that some of the following organizations present at this reunion, defending private interests, are concerned by the way we the internauts share what we value on the Internet […]
