[CrunchGear] Net Neutrality Is Neutral: AT&T Says Wireless Internet Access Is Different Than Wired Internet Access. Yes, We Know, But That’s Not The Point At All.

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Add AT&T to your list of companies to dislike vis-à-vis Net Neutrality. The company said, in a blog post, that “wireless is simply different,” and that Net Neutrality rules […] should be different for wireless providers than they are for wired providers. […]

What people want when they speak of Net Neutrality is simply for their ISP, whether that’s wired or wireless, to treat their bits equally. Whether I’m using AIM or Skype, or playing World of Warcraft […]… you get the idea, that every single bit should be treated equally.

[…] There’s no reason why someone who uses the Internet solely to see pictures of their grandchildren on Facebook should pay the same as someone who’s seeding all day long to boost his private BitTorrent site ratio.
