[TechDirt] More ACTA Leaks; Still Looking Really Bad

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Yet again, despite all the secrecy and bogus claims of “national security,” the details behind what’s being proposed in ACTA have leaked, and they don’t look good at all. It’s basically an attempt to force the worst of the DMCA on much of the rest of the world, with a few carefully chosen modifications.

[…] By leaving out the requirement that enforcement be “fair, equitable and/or proportionate,” it makes it much easier for the industry to push for more and more draconian enforcement measures under a typical game of leapfrog or “ratcheting,” where they focus on getting one country that’s agreed to ACTA to impose something draconian, and then insisting that everyone else has to follow through in the name of “harmonization.” Be aware of these sorts of tricks as the Hollywood lawyers will waste little time in leaping forward with claims that these rules really aren’t any different than what’s already in place. Of course, if that were actually the case, they wouldn’t be arguing so hard for these new rules. They know how to work the system.
