Strasbourg, July 5th 2010 – A round of negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) just finished last week in Luzern, Switzerland. While the negotiators expressed their will not to release any further draft of the text, the European Parliament has now a unique opportunity to oppose both the process and the content of ACTA. There is just a few days left to collect 110 signatures from Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to Written Declaration 12. Will you spend 5 minutes to help defeat ACTA?
By setting red lines to the EU negotiators, Written Declaration 12 addresses key issues of the right to a fair trial and liability of Internet service providers. This week is a plenary week in Strasbourg, where MEPs will have an occasion to sign it.
Anyone can give a call to the non-signatories and urge them to sign before Thursday 13h00. Thursday will be the last day for signing WD12.
Should be targeted in priority the following non-signatories:
- Members of the S&D group especially Germans, Poland, Spain, UK.
- Members of the ALDE group.
- Members of the ECR (who could be convinced by the signature of their preeminent member Malcolm Harbour)
- Members of the GUE group.
- Members of the EPP from Poland, Spain and Hungary (the head of the Hungarian EPP delegation signed it)
Germany, Italy, United-Kingdom and Poland are the countries where there is still the most signatures to get.
With the help of a dedicated campaign page and a list of signatories, non-signatories and statistics are available so everyone can get information about how to better reach the MEPs and convince them to sign.
Your participation can be precious into reinforcing the Parliament’s position against ACTA!