


Since summer 2013, we have been gathering and processing public information about the NSA global surveillance which has resulted in a huge collection.

The numerous revelations on NSA surveillance represents a lot of information that no one before had presented in a format that was easy to access and understand. The authors gathered the information into this public-domain licensed website and freely-downloadable database. Moreover, in order to comprehend the system, the website provides visuals of the connections between NSA programs, attack vectors and compartments. The website is a work in progress and the authors welcome involvement by others in order to keep the data up to date and make it more accessible to the general public.


The Piphone is a campaigning tool designed by la Quadrature du Net.

It permits to call your MEPs, easily and for free, selected at random or according to particular criteria (country, political stance, committee…).

You can call your MEP using one of the means below:

  • Use your Voice-over-IP software
  • Enter your phone number to be automatically call back and connect to the MEP office (free of charge).
  • Use your phone and dial the number we give you.

Political Memory

Political Memory is a toolbox designed to help contact members of the French or European Parliaments and track their voting records.

You may find the list of Members of the European Parliament:

For each Member of Parliament you will find contact details, mandates, as well as their votes and how they stand on the issues worked on by La Quadrature du Net. If you have telephony software installed on your computer, you can call them directly by clicking on “click to call”.


The wiki is the collaborative part of this website where anyone can create or modify content. This is where information on La Quadrature’s campaigns (such as those about the written statement on ACTA or the IPRED Consultation), highlights of the National Assembly1French lower house of Parliament debates, pages relating to ongoing issues tracked by La Quadrature, as well as analyses, illustrations and more can be found.


The Mediakit is an audio and video data bank. It contains interventions of La Quadrature’s spokespeople in the media as well as reports about issues La Quadrature closely follows. All these media can be viewed and downloaded in different formats.

Press Review

The Press Review is a collection of press articles about La Quadrature du Net’s issues. It is compiled by a team of volunteers and comes in two languages: English and French. Articles written in other languages appear in both press reviews.


Lawtracks is a tool to compare different versions of the text of the “telecom package” directives. By simply selecting different versions to compare from the list, Lawtracks highlights amendments to the original text and by strikes out elements of text that have been removed.


Quadpad is La Quadrature’s EtherPad page. EtherPad is a real-time collaborative text editor. It enables a number of people to share and work on a document in preparation or under discussion. Personal contributions are displayed in different colours and immediately appear on all the participants’ screens. An instant messaging window pane is also available to enable real-time communication between participants.
