STRAATSBURG – Europarlementsleden die zich bezighouden met de harmonisatie van Europese telecomwetgeving werden volgens Toine Manders (VVD) maandagavond overladen met agressieve e-mails.

Le Parlement européen a adopté lundi 7 juillet des amendements au « paquet télécoms » prévoyant, entre autres, d’obliger les FAI à informer leurs abonnés des conséquences et du caractère illicite de certaines activités comme le piratage.…

Proposals have been put before European authorities that could see ISPs adopting a far stricter policy towards internet users who illegally download copyrighted music and movie…

According to BBC News, members of the European Parliament voted yesterday in favor of advancing new telecom reform legislation known as the Telecoms Package that includes…

France is about to enact laws that penalise persistent file-sharers

Europeans suspected of putting movies and music on file-sharing networks could be thrown off the web under proposals before Brussels.

Making laws in the European Union is a long, complicated and often tedious process that involves a delicate ballet featuring the Council of Ministers, the Parliament and the Commission.

A high-level European vote on communications legislation will take place on Monday evening, raising fears that alleged file-sharers will be denied internet access by their internet…

Mr. President,

I am writing you on my very own behalf.

I have a bone to pick with you, and the readers of my blog should know …